Ever wondered why Airtel is so popular in India?
I think the reason behind that is the way they 'express themselves' and that's what their punchline says 'Express yourself'! Look at their brand ambassadors SRK and A R Rahman. One is the Badshaah and the other is a maestro when it comes to expressing themselves. No wonder we all love to see the Airtel ads. They are full of expressions!
Sometimes i feel jealous of artists, babies, musicians, sportsmans and of course Airtel because they can express themselves so well! Artists can bring out their emotions through paintings, acting, singing, dancing and loads of other such things; babies can cry, laugh and scream and get what they want. How well Sachin Tendulkar expresses himself through his batting skills. They are so lucky...
Well what about the hoi polloi? How can we 'The aam aadmi' or 'The mango people' express ourselves? Rather why don't we express ourselves?
An Albanian proverb says "A tailless dog cannot express his joy". And that is so true. Are our tails cut too? Or have we forgotten that we humans also have a "tail" for expressing ourselves?
I have some friends whose tragic love stories came to an end even before beginning. The reason being they couldn't express themselves to the girl they loved. And of course i have a group of friends who expressed themselves, but in a wrong way and got slapped!
The importance of expressing oneself need not be explained. If we look at the worlds most successful people, we can be sure of one thing they all have in common and that is their power to express themselves or their product to the world. Rocket Sing could create the Rocket Sales Coop. because he was good at convincing people through his power of expression. No wonder such a simple quality can be so important for success.
The big question:
Why don't we express ourselves? or why do we fail to express ourselves? I've come across some people who can't or who are not so good at expressing themselves. Most of them are shy, some are of reserved nature, some have ego problems. Their can be so many reasons.
What if we don't express ourselves? What can go wrong? Well a lot can go wrong! Most probably people can get misunderstood(Happens a lot with me!), a guy won't be able to express his love to a girl!. Eventually we will end up becoming someone who always wants to become like someone and never be that someone just because we couldn't express!
So people, if you feel like complimenting someone, proposing someone, thanking someone, criticising someone just do it! Don't think what the other person will think when you express yourself rather think what he won't feel if you don't express yourselves, right?
And why did i write this blog? Well theres this saying about some bloggers...Those who can...do, those who can't...blog!
Yes, expressing one's feelings, not only lightens our burdens, but, helps us find solutions to complex problems. Yet never ever express your feelings, if they are likely to hurt someone. The golden rule, as a Sanskrit saying goes, is, "satyam bruyat priyam bruyat na bruyat satyam apriyam", in short speak the truth, say what every one likes, but never speak out the truth that hurts.
ReplyDeleteVery well put rj..!!I jus watched JAB WE MET again n then read ur post,what a coincidence!! Expressing oneself has always been a topic of discussion with my frens n what I've realized outta that is,it is something that varies with person to person and also situation to situation in case of a definite person.But I think, the degree to which someone is expressive is something that cant be changed. I mean even if we ask some one to be more expressive or teach someone..its of no use! Neways,evn I think its very imp so that others get clear idea of our thoughts,likes etc..again, nice topic!! keep blogging..